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Image by Alexander Shatov
Image by Alexander Shatov
Image by Alexander Shatov

Hey There.

Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Spotify.


What all of these platforms have in common is that they are new-age ways to document information.

Given that our research has been designed to examine the case of Leadership 5.0, it is only fitting to include a few excerpts that adequately encapsulate what we wish to highlight.

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Ensemble Enabler's take on digital disruption.

Gitlab speaks :


Harnessing the power of employee engagement is instrumental for the growth of a company.

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The use of interactive content like polls and surveys are great for boosting employee morale and allows leaders an opportunity to interact with subordinates and peers.

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The need for open communication and transparency has been heightened post-pandemic when most offices are adopting a hybrid work structure.

Organizational measures to make sustainability a part of emerging leadership practices.

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